"my mom is the best."

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

in may I had a mother/grandmother/sister/friend contest (I know, that's quite a contest!) :)
I couldn't pick a winner so I had my mom pick...she couldn't pick just one, either...
so we ended up with two winners!

here's the entry from Dawn, (my SIL!) our final winner...

"I am a granddaughter, daughter, daughter-in-law, niece, sister, sister-in-law, wife, and mother. All of these roles have their joys and sorrows, as well as a large amount of emotions tied to them. But none really can compare to the relationship of mother and child.  

 I have always loved, admired, and respected my mom. There were definitely times, especially as a teen, :) that I didn't really "like" my mom, but even in those moments, I always knew she was doing or saying what she thought was best for me. My mom is truly amazing. She is a servant. She is patient, oh, so patient. She is kind. She is faithful and predictable. She cares, even when you think no one does. I have so many memories of my mom serving others in our home and outside of our home. My mom never complained about the "dirty" jobs. She never looked for praise. My mom respected my dad and never complained about him or challenged his authority (at least in front of us kids!). My mom is all of these things and more. What makes my mom even more amazing, is that she raised us kids without her own mom to depend on. My grandmother passed away shortly after I was born. I often wished I could have known my grandmother, but now even more, I wonder how many times my mom would have liked to call her mom and tell her something funny one of us had done, or ask her advice, or have her come over for coffee or to babysit. My mom didn't have that opportunity, and I wish she had. I can't imagine not being able to share my own experiences of motherhood with my mom. She was and is the ultimate example of what I believe God intended moms and wives to be. I have always known all of this, and appreciated it, especially as I became an adult, married, and moved away. But it has taken on new meaning for me this year, when I became a mother myself.
My journey to motherhood has been long and challenging. All things in our lives are obviously "God-things", but I know this journey for me was hand-picked and crafted by our sovereign God. He knew what I needed and when I needed it, although it was not what I wanted. I cannot remember a time when I did not want children of my own. And when I married my wonderful husband, I couldn't wait to start a family. I did not know it would take 9 long years to see that dream come to pass. But God knew. He knew that there was much He needed to accomplish in me during those years before I would have the opportunity to be a mom, and I am thankful for it! 

What did my mom do all those years? She prayed, prayed, and prayed some more. For me, for my husband, and for a little child. She never pressed me for information but was always willing to listen. She was a friend and a cheerleader. Her heart broke for me and yet she was strong. She persevered, and she rejoiced with us when God answered our prayers.
But the moment I looked into my son's eyes, I understood and began to treasure my mom in a totally new way. I now know the unbelievable intensity of the love a mom has for her child. I now feel the responsibility and weight she has felt all these years for me. I now face the same challenges she faced with me 31 years ago...sleepless nights, constant feedings, crazy emotions. And I look at the future knowing that I will continue to experience the joys and trials of raising my son, just as she did with us kids over the years.
And now I know, truly, that my mom is the best."
beautiful entry! 

the prize she won was a mini-session with me.  LOVE him!
from there she got to have her session printed in a swatchbook from
"save-our-stories" in books...an independent publishing consultant for Heritage Makers.

I simply LOVE how it turned out!  perfect size and layout for a "brag book"!
(don't be surprised if you see a stocking stuffer template in emporiium, soon!)  :)


Dawn said...

Just so you know-I LOVE this brag book!!! Thank you so much for making it possible!! It is something I will treasure forever.

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful... and the phographs are so-ooo nice!

Keep it up- girl!

Found you through the follow 4 a follow discussion in the BlogFrog... and just about to 'follow' you :)


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